Pension Plan Solutions
Retirement Plans for the Small Business Owner
Retirement Plans for the Small Business Owner

The IRS allows certain sections of the tax code to provide you with tax-advantaged retirement supplement plans. With these rulings and laws, you're allowed to put as much into these plans as you'd like, provided the plans are properly structured.

In simple terms, the Government will allow you unlimited amounts of tax-advantaged income upon retirement, as long as you don't abuse the IRS's rules.

Pension Plan Solutions provides you with one-on-one information, analysis, and a presentation covering the topic of retirement income supplement.

Structured properly, these plans can provide for tax free growth & tax free income for as long as the insured lives, and tax free transfer of the remaining benefits upon your passing, to your beneficiaries.

These plans are allowed under IRC Sections 7702, 7702(a), 101(j), and 162 of the Code, as well as under TEFRA, DEFRA & TAMRA law. Along with the Pension Protection Act of 2006, the government is allowing more businesses and business owners to take advantage of these rulings.

For more information on how these rulings can serve you and your business, contact us.

                                    401(k) Recession: A must-see video (courtesy 60 Minutes)

                    We're Not Ready: More Bad News About Retirement

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Confidentiality laws apply. Individuals must qualify for these plans, per insurance company standards.

Pension Plan Solutions is not a tax consulting firm. We do not provide tax assistance. Every case has different tax implications based on variables pertaining to the specific business and owner(s). Please consult your tax advisor.

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